Monday, October 3, 2011

Not Always About the Clothes

     Sometimes I come across an internet article that really inspires me to try something new. A few weeks ago, it was an article on a new way to prevent acne without using chemicals. I have been trying to be a little more natural in eating, and it never occurred to me that I was pumping artificial chemicals into my skin everyday!
     I am one of those people who thinks that what you wear dictates how you feel about yourself. Dress frumpy, feel frumpy. But I also think it takes more than a new pair of jeans to be confident. Part of feeling well dressed, and put together is the way your skin and hair look too! Hair is fairly easy for guys. Spend a moderate amount of money on a good cut, throw some product in it, and you are set in a few short minutes. Skin on the other hand, it not so easy for me.
     If you are like me, everything breaks me out. Stress, diet, sweat, my already oily face. Now, going back to that article I read. Ever heard of washing your face with oil? Sounds crazy but bare with me; we aren't talking grandma's Crisco. Soaps overdry your face, and to make up for the lack of protective oil your skin produces more! This leads to clogged pores and bacteria....then the next thing you know a new farm of zits has popped up!

     Ok so this is the procedure. Do this at night, and rinse your face with warm water in the morning. No need for two applications. First, take your oil mixture (ingredients at the bottom) and massage it onto your face. Try not to apply too much pressure. After massaging for 2-3 minutes, take a clean washcloth dipped in warm water and put it over your face  for a few minutes. It works kind of like a steam room. Use this same wash cloth to start to rinse the oil. Dab your face do not scrub! After you have gotten most of the oil off, your face will feel fresh, clean and not tight like it does with soaps.

For my oil mixture I use:
1 part Extra Virgin Olive Oil
3 parts Castor Oil
2 Parts Jojoba Oil
A few drops of Tea Tree Oil

This list is for oily/acne prone skin. If you have dry skin, try a more 50/50 EVOO and Castor. Not much acne, you can take out the tea tree. Make it fit your face. I also like to mix a drop of tea tree with some jojoba oil and massage it into my face before bed. Tea Tree oil is a natural acne fighter!

Apparently Jojoba oil mimics the natural oils on your face, and sort of tricks your body and makes it produce less oil.

Let me know what you think. Does this work for you?